Finding a computer repair company
Many IT's and Networking administrators will offer their services to small businesses and residential customers through craigslist. It's very easy to find a good computer repair person on craigslist, but when dealing with individuals there is no warranty of guarantee, so when selecting someone to do home computer repair for you, it's very important to choose someone with a good reputation. Ask friends and relatives to recommend someone if they have used an individual or service recently.
There is always GeekSquad, but geeksquad is over rated and I have heard many complaints about them, though they are reputable and do offer a warrant, and are backed by Best Buy.
There are many smaller companys that are much cheaper than Geek Squad, you can find these also on craigslist and in your local yellow pages. If you have friends who are IT's, you might check with them and see if they would repair your computer for a small charge.
Be careful when choosing some companys, they outsource all of their work to techs that they may or may not have ever met.
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