When dealing with geek squad, it is best to take your computer to a best buy geek squad location to have it repaired. House calls with GeekSquad is very expensive as compared to just taking your computer in. That is only if you have already decided to use GeekSquad. I have heard cases of GeekSquad charged $70 to remove and install a new 56k modem (5 minutes of work) and then making the customer wait overnight before the "work was able to be completed". If you were to have GeekSquad come to your home and do the same job, it would cost over $100. If instead of using GeekSquad, you did it yourself or took the computer to an alternative repair place, you would be looking at $20-$30 including the price of the modem.
Using GeekSquad is only appropriate if you like wasting money, or if your company is paying for the repair/work.
Quality is what we all require but computer problems are not a 9-5 mon-fri issue. For the tech non-savvy being without a computer is just agonizing, especially looking at it until someone comes in at 8 on monday. Unfortunately the Geeks are open 7days and until 9pm, with 24hour phone assistance. You want the business? Provide the service.
The price list I saw at Micro Center in Dallas said the service dept charges 69.95 just to look at your computer. I'm sure it goes up from there depending on the problem. Geek Squad probably has some good techs and some bad ones and a whole bunch in between.
5 minutes of work? how long did it take their fancy geek van to your house? i'd be the first to say geek squad is a bunch of under paid hacks but exaggerating things to support your side isn't fair.
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